International Scientific Advisory Board role is to substantially contribute to the evaluation of the CERIT-SC research infrastructure, provide the feedback on RI own activities, advise the RI management on the for future development and directions, support collaboration with other research infrastructures and scientific communities. It is expected to meet twice per year, preferably on site in Brno.
- Jarek Nabryzski, director, Center for Research Computing, University of Notre Dame, IN, USA https://crc.nd.edu/index.php/leadership/jarek-nabrzyski
- Erwin Laure, professor CSC KTH, director PDC KTH, Stockholm, Sweden http://www.csc.kth.se/~erwinl/
- Tiziana Ferrari, EGI.eu Technical Director, Amsterdam, The Netherlands http://wwwtest.egi.eu/about/people/Tiziana_Ferrari.html
- José María Carazo, head of Biocomputing Unit, National Center for Biotechnology, Madrid, Spain, http://i2pc.es/carazo/