Beskar Cloud
Beskar Cloud is our GitOps-based Openstack stack running on Kubernetes. Fully open, available on Github and supported by the community. Our IaaS cloud service is powered by the Beskar, yours could be too.
Inovative way to efficient operation of Openstack cluster
The Beskar Cloud builds on open-source projects and modern GitOps and DevOps principles. The development and maintanance of OpenStack cluster is in Beskar heavilly inspired by successfull development cycles from software development. The OpenStack services such as Nova, Horizon, Glance are running in the Kubernetes cluster, ensuring high realiability and failure recovery togther with infrastructure as a code ....
Community Endevour
The Beskar Cloud should not be only about the technical stack. The Beskar cloud aims to provide an oportunity to collaborate, discuss and solve problems together while sharing the experience of building and operating cloud service at any scale.
Each cloud node has installed and cloud configured Ubuntu LTS 22.04 operating system (via infra-config). On top of configured operating system vanilla kubernetes is installed (via Kubespray and configuration persisted in kubernetes-deployments repository). OpenStack components, monitoring, proxies, log shipping and alternatively ceph distributed storage is deployed into kubernetes via Flux CD.
We distinguish three different types of cloud nodes:
- controlplane nodes
- compute nodes
- storage nodes

Deploy Beskar yourself or with our help
Beskar cloud materials
Here are some published presentations explaining motivation, architecture and key principles
- Slides
- Poster
Whether you're looking to implement our tools or simply curious about our processes, we're happy to discuss any concerns you may have. Feel free to contact us.
Do you want to run your OpenStack on Beskar Cloud? Feel free to contact us, we will provide you with a demo and support.
Check the Beskar Cloud on Github.